Let it be known that this is my first official “rant.” You now know how serious it is. And on to the substance:
Why is it that everyone thinks I should be part of a couple??? Lately everyone at my church is trying to hook me up with someone or other; a woman I work with mentioned an eligible young man she knows; another coworker said she’d like to “set me up” but couldn’t think of a good match; my aunt and other relatives like to casually ask if I’ve found a love interest. It wasn’t this bad when I was younger, but the older I get (and 20 is not old at all, believe you me!!) the more I hear about it. My favorite comment (heard again just this evening) is “but you’re so cute I can’t believe you don’t have a boyfriend!” ARRGHHH. Honestly, people. I’ve run out of retorts.
There has been some good discussion on Caro’s blog (see "I am single ") about the merits of singleness. It was a good reminder, especially in light of my advancing age and the emphasis our society (particularly Christian circles) places upon couples, dating, marriage, etc.
To be a productive, successful, content member of society does not mean that I must have a boyfriend. To be a Christian woman does not mean that I need a Christian man at my side, or one up my sleeve. Don’t get me wrong; this is not to say that I’m against relationships---I’m just tired of all the not-so-subtle hinting about my need for one. Maybe when I’m 30 I’ll expect some flak, but until then I’ve got a lot of living to do---single or otherwise.
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Posted by: a d a m | 2003.12.30 at 01:05 AM