The following quotes are from Madeleine L'Engle's book The Irrational Season. It's a wonderful book---I love everything of hers I've read---and has provided many wonderful insights. I'll let her words say the rest.
The only God who seems to me to be worth believing in is impossible for mortal man to understand, and therefore he teaches us through this impossible.
But we rebel against the impossible. I sense a wish in some professional religion-mongers to make God possible, to make him comprehensible to the naked intellect, domesticate him so that he's easy to believe in. Every century the Church makes a fresh attempt to make Christianity acceptable. But an acceptable Christianity is not Christian; a comprehensible God is no more than an idol.
I don't want that kind of a God.
What kind of God, then?
We must stop worshipping the false gods which have crept into Christianity (all those Anglo-Saxon moral virtues); we must be atheists for Christ's sake. He did not mean, of course, that we are to stop believing in God, God who is One, God who is All, but that we must be certain that it is God we believe in, and not all those false spirits masquerading as the Holy One. We must shun the lovely little idols Satan erects for us, idols much easier to accept than the One God who is so difficult to believe in, whose ways are not our ways, who says No and expects us to understand that this is the prelude to a true Yes, who would make us whole, for whom sunside and nightside are alike, who is willing to be in our hearts and who would ask us to put our minds in our hearts that we may know him there.
If God is dead
And man's the Head
We're in a hocus focus.
We've all been spliced
To an orphaned Christ
And that's a bogus logos.
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