I'll explain:
My name is April.
April is the fourth month of the year.
(One of my nicknames is Four.)
Therefore, April is my month.
April 4, 2004, being 04/04/04, is therefore my day.
It doesn't appear on the site, but I'm posting this at 4:44 a.m. (scheduling to post, rather; no way I'm going to be awake at that ungodly hour).
So this is my day, my hour, my minute. Just how cool is that?
I hope you are enjoying "your" day -- so, do the rest of us not blessed to be named after a month not get days...? Well, I'm screwed for one...13/13/13 - I don't think so. It's not gonna happen. Darn it all. Well, hope yours was good...
Posted by: Cleave | 2004.04.04 at 02:25 PM