I tried, I really did. I just don't have any good fonts. There, that's my excuse.
This little time-waster combines several of my favorite things: fictional band names, photos, elements of surprise, bizarre results. (Thanks to Adam for the link.)
I'm really good, however, at coming up with cool band names:
Hot Sock
Secondhand Cheese
The Land of Zoom
Rabid Badgers
OK, so that last one wasn't mine. Some of the others were combined efforts also. Still, all good names.
I guess band names are all in the eye of the beholder, or should I say creator.
Posted by: Jason | 2008.01.16 at 05:53 PM
Wow, the album cover thing is amazing. I just spent about an hour laughing at the entries.
I didn't make one, but my band name is Klingenmünster...
Posted by: Bianca | 2008.01.18 at 10:23 AM
Very fun, I did it too
Posted by: Josh | 2008.01.26 at 11:58 AM