I forgot about the raccoon I sort of ran over in Wisconsin.
I forgot that Lisa and I didn't have enough cash for train tickets on the way back to Wheaton from Chicago, because we didn't know we were supposed to buy tickets at the station. Several people on the train gave us money to buy tickets. And then Lisa found $5 in her pocket.
I also forgot about the extremely hirsute male Lisa and I saw jogging near Lake Michigan. (Isn't it great that "hirsute" kind of looks like "hair suit"?)
I forgot that I felt the need to describe in detail why I hate elevators, including the lovely phrase "my stomach was leapfrogging my spleen." I still feel that way, though daily use of the library elevator is helping a little.
I forgot, just a little, how lovely it was to spend time with equally distractible friends.
As one friend commented on a post, "This is going to be great when you reread it in a few years." Yes, quite. When I have less homework (or more, probably), I'll read some more.
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