School, blah blah
The semester is nearly over. Just a final to take this weekend, and then one more class next Thursday. I think my grades will be just fine. And I think I may have learned a few things in the past few months.
As of December 11, I will have three weeks of freedom! Which will include work, of course, lots of good food and knitting and books, and a visit to Walla Walla to see family over Christmas.
In early January, it's back to class, with two new offerings: reference and information technology. Sounds fun, right?
Food obsessed?
Just when I was thinking I was eating too much junk (just after Thanksgiving), I came down with some kind of raging, maniacal stomach bug. Three days of nausea and stomach pain later, I've lost 5 pounds. Not that I had any pounds to lose. The past 36 hours, I have been enjoying beige and white foods: crackers, rice, oatmeal, banana, ginger ale, baked potato, chicken broth. Dull dull dull!
However, tonight I made my first risotto, and I allowed myself to have a few bites. I'll save the rest for tomorrow's post-final victory dinner. It tastes delicious.
Perhaps unintentionally, I have been reading food-centric books: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, Julie and Julia by Julie Powell, and Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. This summer I read A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle. These have made me want to try French food I can't pronounce or visualize. But where in Wyoming does one find truffles or unusual mammal innards?
Not much else
Aside from work, classes, homework and eating, my recent weeks have been fairly uninteresting. I haven't mentioned the weather yet. See? That's how uninteresting. Well, I suppose that's unfair. I find my life interesting, mostly, but it hasn't been very eventful: I walk to work, I answer questions at the reference desk, I eat my lunch, I answer some more questions, I sort some books, I make phone calls, I deal with email, I meet with volunteers, I come home and eat, do homework, go online to class, write and read and read some more (sometimes even for fun).
And that's about all. For now.
Now there's a workable distinction: uneventful vs. uninteresting. The latter doesn't follow the former, fortunately.
I'm glad your life hasn't been like the color of your recent food! And I'm glad you're feeling better. Happy vacation!
Posted by: Peter | 2009.12.04 at 09:54 PM
If you have to lose pounds, why not lose some of mine? ;-)
Posted by: Katie | 2009.12.12 at 05:06 PM