So I'm dialing back, ratcheting down, reducing, scaling back, tapering off, etc. By the time I'm done with grad school, I'm going to get off it completely. The blog will stay, especially because I have so much saved in the archives and photo albums. But the rest? Buh-bye. Yesterday I even went through my list of sites that I have accounts with, and closed/deleted all the extraneous ones that I could. I want to spend less time in front of screens, not more especially now that I know for sure that screen-reading is wreaking havoc on my vision.
When grad school is over and my free time is mine again, I want to get outside, play with my camera, actually communicate with people, read books, or sit and stare at the wall, not the computer. I have no desire for 3G, constant connection, blah blah blah.
So we'll see how it goes.
And write your book in longhand on legal size yellow paper.
Posted by: Bon | 2011.02.02 at 09:16 AM