Travel makes the world look new, and when the world looks new, our brains work harder.*
Even travel that takes us only a short distance from home.
When I travel with my camera, even just across town or into the woods, I look at everything differently. I focus on small details. I see patterns and contrasts. Mundane items have new appeal. I make connections. I remember.
*Quote from Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. This book was a perfect reminder that creativity is earned and learned. It's a habit. The blogging I used to do was more about unfolding ideas and sharing pieces than a day-to-day account of my life. It was not facebook.
One of Kleon's suggestions is to "give away your secrets." I think that's what I try to do by sharing ideas and pieces. These aren't dirty secrets. They aren't even big secrets. They are small, but still worthwhile.
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